After spending 15 euro we took a lack luster tour that ended in us learning to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. We all agree, after consulting our instructor, Michael, that the reason Guinness tastes better in Ireland is because of this technique. It takes time kids. We have certificates to prove it.
We ended the night at Rita's brother's house. The search for a cab for five proved difficult, but our cab driver was burly fellow by the name of Andrea Boscarossa. He liked ABBA. A lot, and without apology. Gary and Linda hosted an amazing dinner in their amazing house. Ann tried to take a swim in cement at the front door, but thankfully no real injuries we incurred. Linda convinced Lou and Austin to come over before the end of the journey for a shared cooking event. Lou promised to make a delicious marinara and Austin some Texas barbecue. Ann was treated to fancy non-gluten bread, Rita was busy with her other niece, Ella, and Laura made friends with Bob the hamster (though it is confirmed that Bob is really Roberta, don't tell Gary though).
We caught the late bus to Ballyfermot and slept with filled bellies that night.
We caught the late bus to Ballyfermot and slept with filled bellies that night.
You must show us how to pour when you get home!!! I'm sure it will take several tries thought:)