May 29th, 2010- The Fool's went into the city centre in search of a print shop in order to print fliers and posters for their performances in Ballyfermot. After several stops we found a fine little shop and printed our little hearts out. Interesting note, paper in the Ireland is just slightly larger than in the US.
Ann, Rita and Austin went back in town to meet with the improv group to discuss our Sunday night set. Our first official performance in Ireland. We will be performing a one and half hour set with a local group. Woohoo!
Laura, Lou and Rita get fish and chips from the place that Austin ate the night before. Pretty good, nothing to write home about. Or blog about. Yeah.
There is this phenomenon in Europe that happens every year. It's called Eurovision. European countries compete in song and dance to be the best European performer. Some are good, some are very, well, European. Germany swept it, though no one was certain why. Anyhow, Lou, Laura and Rita were later joined by Austin, watched the final show at Fowler's Grange Pub. Then they danced and sang along with the local band that played a lot of American music, reggae and classic brit rock (see Pink Floyd and Dire Straits). The locals didn't let us leave until we had several more pints, bought us a round and were impressed to see "yanks" at the local pub.They drink Coors Light like its going out of style, and pay more for it than they should. Amazing, sweet and generous are the people of Ballyfermot. They even offered us a place to stay and asked us to come back next year.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
The Base, The Radio and The Local Pub
May 28th, 2010- Lou and Laura drove back from Carlingford to meet up with the gang. Rita and Austin confirmed another performance. After a quick lunch, the Fool's converged on The Base, the Ballyfermot youth centre. A quick tour of their facilities and an excellent chat with Elaine (not Rita's sister) and Pat got us all very excited. We perform all of our shows on July 1st and 2nd in a 90 seat house. The Base helps the neighborhood kids with after school activities, teaches some life skills and aids at-risk youth. Rita and Elaine discussed press and were able to arrange a photo shoot.
Feeling good about The Base, Rita led the gang across the street to the local radio station, where she convinced the radio personalities to let us talk about the Base performance on Monday.

The Fool's rehearsed and relaxed that evening. However later that very night Laura, Austin and Rita went out for a pint at Fowler's Grange Pub. The pub was hosting what seemed to be karaoke. Miranda, the mistress of karaoke, would let you sing if she deemed you worthy. If you did get to sing, the audience could cheer for you to sing more. Needless to say, the locals fell in love with Laura and the Fools, and they in turn fell in love with them.
Feeling good about The Base, Rita led the gang across the street to the local radio station, where she convinced the radio personalities to let us talk about the Base performance on Monday.
The Fool's rehearsed and relaxed that evening. However later that very night Laura, Austin and Rita went out for a pint at Fowler's Grange Pub. The pub was hosting what seemed to be karaoke. Miranda, the mistress of karaoke, would let you sing if she deemed you worthy. If you did get to sing, the audience could cheer for you to sing more. Needless to say, the locals fell in love with Laura and the Fools, and they in turn fell in love with them.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, things got Personal...
May 27th, 2010- Okay, things didn't really get personal. But Lou and Laura took a personal day for their 4th wedding anniversary. The pair drove up north to Carlingford for a romantic night. Castles were reported to be seen in addition to a delicious dinner being consumed.
The rest of the Fool's rested, rehearsed and replenished supplies.
The rest of the Fool's rested, rehearsed and replenished supplies.
Heya Mr. Guinness! and other assorted things...
May 26th, 2010- We all slept late and then descended upon Elaine's little kitchen like ravenous beasts in search of caffeine and breakfast. A communal breakfast was quickly made and we decided to take the day to adjust to Ireland. The Fool's were to see the Guinness Storehouse!
After spending 15 euro we took a lack luster tour that ended in us learning to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. We all agree, after consulting our instructor, Michael, that the reason Guinness tastes better in Ireland is because of this technique. It takes time kids. We have certificates to prove it.

After spending 15 euro we took a lack luster tour that ended in us learning to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. We all agree, after consulting our instructor, Michael, that the reason Guinness tastes better in Ireland is because of this technique. It takes time kids. We have certificates to prove it.
We ended the night at Rita's brother's house. The search for a cab for five proved difficult, but our cab driver was burly fellow by the name of Andrea Boscarossa. He liked ABBA. A lot, and without apology. Gary and Linda hosted an amazing dinner in their amazing house. Ann tried to take a swim in cement at the front door, but thankfully no real injuries we incurred. Linda convinced Lou and Austin to come over before the end of the journey for a shared cooking event. Lou promised to make a delicious marinara and Austin some Texas barbecue. Ann was treated to fancy non-gluten bread, Rita was busy with her other niece, Ella, and Laura made friends with Bob the hamster (though it is confirmed that Bob is really Roberta, don't tell Gary though).
We caught the late bus to Ballyfermot and slept with filled bellies that night.
We caught the late bus to Ballyfermot and slept with filled bellies that night.
The Fool's Are Off!
Ah, we defy you, you fool's errand...
May 24th, 2010- The week started out innocently enough. The five Fools waking up in their respective houses, awaiting a ride from Mr. Steve Flynn. Austin and Ann were the first to join Steve on the early morning venture to Lou and Laura's only for the last stop before the airport to be at the Vic, where we picked up Rita. Surprised that we were able to stow their bags neatly in the back of the minivan, we breathed relief at trying to fit our luggage in the smallish cars we were to rent the following day.
After a slight confusion with our check in at DIA (all of us except Laura were sent to speak to an actual person), they checked their monstrous bags and proceeded to procure breakfast before the flight to Chicago.
The Chicago flight was easy and comfortable, though we were reseated and none of us were next to each other. Our layover in the Chi-town was six hours. Since Lou and Laura were recent residents of the city, we decided to head into downtown for some serious bean action. After several photos at the shiny monument in Millennium Park, exhaustion hit the group.
Arriving in what we thought was plenty of time to make our international flight we had a drink at the Gaslight in O'Hare. After the refreshing beverage, Ann went to the gym (Yes, before we were going to get onto the airplane. Yes, they have a gym at O'Hare) and the rest of us decided to relax at the gate and grab some food.
After a quick run through security we went to find our gate only to realize that we did not got go through international security. We zipped to the appropriate gate, went through security and began searching for dinner. Only then to find, that there are no restaurants on the other side of international security at O'Hare. So we went back out, had dinner and went back through security. That's right folks, we went through security three times in about one hour.
The flight from O'Hare to Dublin was about seven and half hours long. Sleeping in economy was and is something that is nearly impossible, though we had the distraction of a bevy of movies and music at our disposal, courtesy of Aer Lingus. At least we were all sat close together. Lou had the pleasure of a nice Iranian-American woman asking him when the plane landed, every hour on the hour. Rita and Laura had the distinct pleasure of the friendly but loud senior citizen brigade announcing their utter confusion as how to work the remote for the television. Needless to say, our weary adventurers got little sleep.
May 25th, 2010- They let us into the country. Really, it was that simple. No brow beating or back room talks or nothing. Suckers. The zombie Fool's Gold stumbled to the car rental where they met with the standard at all rentals. "We know you reserved THESE cars, but we don't have THESE cars. We can rent you THESE other cars, they are smaller though." Rita and Laura displayed there disappointment. For the record, the duo of Rita and Laura expressing their dissatisfaction to the poor young man at Enterprise is enough to never want to run into them in a dark alley. Just saying. Needless to say we got a discount on our 43 day rental of two perfectly little cars that were more than enough for what we needed.
Driving on the left side of the road takes some getting used to but after following Rita's sister-in-law, Linda and Rita's mother, Mary, along with the little squish-able cuteness of Linda's daughter, Juno, we made it to our first home in Dublin.
Our first week has been spent at Rita's sister's home in Ballyfermot (the one on the left with the blue door), a small neighborhood just outside of Dublin proper. A cute little house that the five of us have quickly learned is not nearly enough space for 5 people. Proudly however, we can say that thus far no causalities can be reported, though Austin has disappeared. Austin?
Elaine, Rita's sister, Linda, and Mary served up tea, coffee and snacks that gave us the energy we needed to the next leg of the journey. Delicious yogurt, fruit and chocolate filled our bellies! The dairy in this country is amazing. Seriously amazing.
Continuing forward with our first day in Dublin, the crew decided to journey to Dublin for a bit of adventure. Hopping a bus, as to drive in Dublin is like driving in hell, the Fool's headed downtown to meet with Gary, Rita's brother. Gary definitely had the upper hand as he jokingly harassed us. But Fool's were on the downward spiral of what felt was several weeks worth of travel. We managed to have our first pint at Fitzpatrick's, where Lou nearly fell asleep at the bar.
Heading back to their Dublin home the Fool's rested for several hours before waking up to eat and then going back to sleep. It was a good first day.
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